Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

All students attending City Pointe Beauty Academy must abide by the Academy’s satisfactory academic progress policy during their enrollment. A copy of the SAP policy is given to each student prior to enrollment and is applied consistently to all students, regardless of whether the student is full-time or part-time.

What is SAP?

The U. S. Department of Education requires that students who receive Title IV financial assistance meet minimum standards of academic performance and progress to maintain their eligibility for financial aid. City Pointe Beauty Academy has incorporated those standards into its own and requires all students to meet the standards of SAP identified below.

The SAP policy tells you:

  • What cumulative grade-point average you need to maintain.
  • How quickly you need to move toward graduation (for instance, how many clock hours you should have successfully completed by the end of each SAP evaluation point).
  • How a grade of incomplete, a withdrawal, a repeated course, or transfer of clock hours from another school will affect your satisfactory academic progress.
  • How completing one City Pointe Beauty Academy program of study and enrolling in another program at the school may affect your satisfactory academic progress.
  • How often will the Academy evaluate your academic progress.
  • What will happen if you fail to meet the SAP standards at any evaluation point.
  • When you can appeal the Academy’s decision that you have not made satisfactory academic progress and the conditions for that appeal; and,
  • How you can regain satisfactory progress and, if you are a Title IV student financial aid recipient, how you can regain eligibility for federal student aid after failing a SAP standard.

All students are required to meet the standards of academic performance that are outlined in the sections below and they are evaluated regularly to determine that the standards are met. These standards have multiple components:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average requirement (CGPA);
  • A minimum successful completion rate based on all clock hours attempted (taken); and,
  • A maximum time frame (MTF) requirement to successfully complete all required clock hours for your program of study.

As described below, each student must achieve the minimum CGPA of 85% within the MTF established, achieving the required completion rate of 85% or higher at each evaluation point. Failure to meet these standards may result in dismissal from the program and in ineligibility to earn the diploma.

Maximum time frame (MTF)

The MTF is calculated using the total clock hours required for each program and is computed from the very first clock hours in which the student enrolled and originally began his or her studies in the program.

The MTF that any student must complete his or her program of study is 117.6% of the total number of clock hours required for the program of study. The following table shows the MTF for each City Pointe Beauty Academy program.

Maximum Time Frame Allowed

The maximum time (which does not exceed 117.6% of course length) allowed for students to complete each course at satisfactory academic progress is stated below:

        Course                            Weeks         Scheduled Hours

Cosmetology (Full time 30 hrs. /wk.)–1500 Hours

    58.8 wks.


(Half time 20 hrs./wk.)–1500 Hours

30hrs./8 wks. (Foundations), remaining time at 20 hrs./wk.

     84.2 wks.



(Full time 30 hrs. /wk.) – 750 Hours

     29.4 wks.


Nail Technology

(Half time 15 hrs. /wk.) – 400Hours

     31.36 wks.



(Full time 34 hrs. /wk.) – 600 Hours

     20.74 wks.


(Half time 17 hrs. /wk.)

     41.50 wks.


(Three Quarter time 26 hrs./wks.)

     27.13 wks.


Massage Therapy

(Full time 24hrs/wk.) – 500 Hours

     20.83 wks.


              The institution operates all programs according to a schedule of 900 hour per academic year of instruction.

Students who have not completed the course within the maximum timeframe will be dropped from the program.

The maximum time allowed for transfer students who need less than the full course requirements or part-time students will be determined based on 85% of the scheduled contracted hours.

Academic Progress Evaluations

The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated as satisfactory or better (the computer system will reflect completion of the practical assignment as a 100% rating). If the performance does not meet satisfactory requirements, it is not counted and the performance must be repeated. At least two comprehensive practical skills evaluations will be conducted during the course of study. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by The Academy. Students must maintain a written grade average of 85% after completion of all course written and practical requirements prior to graduation. Students must make up failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments. Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:

93 - 100 A

85 - 92 B

84 and below Not Passing

Determination of Progress Status

Students meeting the minimum requirements for academics and attendance at the evaluation point are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress until the next scheduled evaluation. Students will receive a hard copy of their Satisfactory Academic Progress Determination at the time of each evaluation. Students deemed not maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress may have their Title IV Funding interrupted, unless the student is on warning or has prevailed upon appeal resulting in a status of probation.


The MTF will be adjusted for students who successfully transfer in clock hours earned from other institutions. The total number of hours the student will need to complete his or her program after receiving transfer hours will be multiplied by 117.6% to determine that student’s MTF.

Any student who does not successfully complete the program within the MTF cannot earn the diploma for his or her program.


City Pointe Beauty Academy reviews the academic performance of every student on an established schedule of evaluation points. The table on the following page identifies those evaluation points for each program.

Evaluation Periods:

Cosmetology: 450, 900, 1200, 1500 (actual) hours

Esthetics: 375, 750 (actual) hours

Nail Technology: 200, 400 (actual) hours

Instructor: ** 300, 600 (actual) hours**

Massage Therapy: 312.5, 625 (actual) hours

**Instructor Program – Pursuant to section 329.080 of the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners; the following may be substituted for up to three hundred hours of training: 1. three years of experience as a practicing cosmetologist; 2. four and one-half college credit hours in teaching methodology, as defined by rule. 3. Applicants applying from another state where requirements are not substantially equal to those in forced in Missouri may be eligible for the examination if they provide the required documentation. Any student scheduled for less than 600 hours will be evaluated at the midpoint of the contracted hours.


A student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if both of the following conditions are met:

  • The student has a CGPA of at least 85% for all courses taken during his or her enrollment; and,
  • The student has successfully at least 85% attendance of all clock hours attempted during his or her enrollment.

A student who does not meet both requirements is subject to one or more of the actions indicated below.

Financial Aid Warning

For the first time that any Title IV-recipient student’s CGPA falls below 85% or the successful completion rate falls below 85% attendance of all clock hours attempted, that student will be placed on financial aid warning until the next evaluation point.

The student will have until the next evaluation point to raise the CGPA to 85% or higher and/or the completion rate to 85% or better.

Financial Aid Probation

Students failing to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress during the probationary period, if the student appeals the decision, and prevails upon appeal. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their specific academic plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, the student will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress and, if applicable, students will not be deemed eligible to receive Title IV funds.

Re-Establishment of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students may re-establish satisfactory academic progress and Title IV aid, as applicable, by meeting minimum attendance and academic requirements by the end of the warning or probationary period.


If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory academic progress, the student may appeal the determination within ten calendar days. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal to The Academy on the designated form describing why they failed to meet satisfactory academic progress standards, along with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point. Appeal documents will be reviewed and a decision will be made and reported to the student within 30 calendar days. The appeal and decision documents will be retained in the student file. If the student prevails upon appeal, the satisfactory academic progress determination will be reversed and federal financial aid will be reinstated, if applicable.


Any student who fails to meet SAP at the end of Financial Aid Probation period will be dismissed from the Academy.

Any student who has been dismissed will not be considered for readmission to the school until the next new class start date. The student must first submit a written request for readmission to the Academy director, explaining how circumstances change will permit the student to resume and successfully complete their studies.

If that request is approved, the student will have to do the following: reapply for admission; satisfy all admissions criteria; satisfy any outstanding financial obligations to the institution; and retake any failed classes before proceeding to other courses.

Any student who cannot successfully complete all of his or her program within the 117.6% maximum time frame is not eligible for readmission.

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