Harassment is defined as any physical, verbal or nonverbal behaviors that cause another to be uncomfortable. It includes creating a hostile, offensive or intimidating climate, which interferes with the learning environment. This includes ALL forms of harassment ie. sexual harassment, sexual offender and hazing.
Reporting Guidelines
- City Pointe Beauty Academy takes any case of harassment very seriously and these guidelines are provided to effectively deal with harassment. If you experience or are a witness to harassment, follow this procedure:
- 1) Let the person know immediately that you are uncomfortable with the behaviors and you would like them to stop.
- 2) If you feel the situation is too intimidating or after you ask them to stop the behavior it continues, go immediately to an educator or to the school administration office to report it.
City Pointe Beauty Academy
- Responsibility After the suspected harassment has been brought to the attention of administrators or educators of City Pointe Beauty Academy, the situation will be dealt with through an investigation. You may not know the outcome but cases of harassment may result in dismissal from the program. An environment conducive to learning is a top priority at City Pointe Beauty Academy.